
Kazakhstan Electric Network Management Company "KEGOC"
The Joint-Stock Company Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company KEGOC was established in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 1996 No. 1188 “On some measures for the structural restructuring of the energy system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The national electric network ensures the transmission of electric energy from energy producers having a scheme for the distribution of electricity directly to the National Electric Network to wholesale consumers, Connected to this network (distribution grid companies, large consumers).

Samruk-Energy JSC
Samruk-Energy JSC was established in May 2007 to consolidate the energy assets included in the structure of Samruk Holding, optimize corporate governance, develop and implement a modernization and construction program for generating capacities in Kazakhstan. Samruk-Energo JSC manages large power plants: Ekibastuz State District Power Station-2, Zhambyl State District Power Station, Bukhtarma State Hydroelectric Power Station, Shulbinskaya Hydroelectric Power Station, Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Shardara Hydroelectric Power Station, and the Almaty Power Plant Complex.

LLP Settlement and Financial Center for Support of Renewable Energy Sources
In order to create conditions for the development of the renewable energy sector, a mechanism of state support was adopted, based on the introduction of a centralized purchase by a single buyer – the settlement and financial center of electric energy produced by renewable energy facilities. To implement this mechanism, the System operator (JSC "KEGOC") in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2009 № 165-IV "On support of the use of renewable energy sources" was created LLP "Settlement and financial center for support of renewable energy sources". By the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 1281 dated November 29, 2013 LLP "Settlement and financial center for support of renewable energy sources" is determined by the settlement and financial center for support of renewable energy sources. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2013 № 128-V "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on support of the use of renewable energy sources" LLP "Settlement and financial center for support of renewable energy sources" carries out centralized purchase and sale of electric energy produced by facilities for the use of renewable energy sources and supplied to the electric grid of the unified electric power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

JSC Alatau Zaryk Kompany
The main activity of JSC "azhk" is the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Now, JSC "Alatau Zharyk Kompany" is the largest power system in the South of the Republic of Kazakhstan, supplying electricity to residents of Almaty and Almaty region, enterprises, farms and government agencies. JSC "azhk" - part of the group of companies JSC "Samruk-Energy". At the moment, the Company's balance sheet includes power lines 220/110/35/10-6/0.4 kV with a total length of 29 531.26 km, as well as 207 substations with transformers with a capacity of 7 117.81 MW and 6 763 TP with a voltage of 6-10/0.4 kV, which fully provide electricity to the region. It should be noted that the Company provides electricity not only the largest metropolis, but also 10 districts of the region. To date, electricity is used by the entire population of this region, that is more than 2.5 million people.

LLP Project Institute Kazgiprovodkhoz
LLP "Project Institute Kazgiprovodkhoz" is a company for designing water management facilities. He has extensive experience in the creation of hydroelectric power plants, reservoirs, waterworks, canals, irrigation systems, pumping stations, water wells, structures for watering pastures and other water management facilities.